Business units
NFTTM operates two specialized business units to better meet the needs of our customers across multiple vertical markets
NucFil – NucFil, located in Golden, CO, provides a family of products and services that are the industry standard for transuranic waste management and environmental compliance.
EPD – EPD, located in Carlsbad, NM, is an experienced nuclear fabrication company with over 25 years’ experience in metal fabrication and precision machining with one of the most comprehensively equipped nuclear manufacturing facilities in the Southwest.
NucFil Filters
NFTTM specializes in drum vents for hydrogen mitigation in nuclear material and waste containers. Our filter vents are specific to a variety of customers and project needs. Whether a client needs a typical threaded configuration for a 55-gallon drum or a fully integrated filter that is welded into a container lid, our engineers work closely with each customer to fully customize the filter vent best suited for them.
Our filter vents have been used specifically by the Department of Energy (DOE) for over 30 years, providing solutions for Transuranic (TRU) and Remote Handled Waste being processed at various DOE Weapons Complex sites across the United States, ensuring containers are safe to transport and store at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico.
NFTTM’s experience with nuclear material packaging is world class as the Company designed and manufactured the SAVYTM-4000 containers, which are used exclusively by the Department of Energy for long-term vault storage of radioactive material. These containers are for interim storage of plutonium oxides, metals and powders and are available in a wide range of sizes. The SAVYTM containers are in use at several nuclear sites in the United States and internationally.
Working closely with DOE sites has allowed NFTTM to develop other packaging solutions for volume reduction (HEPA Bags), as well as Poly Bottle Vent Caps, which were designed for Rocky Flats to deal with liquid waste. Our engineers are always up to the challenge of creating new packaging for interim storage, long-term storage, and transportation of nuclear materials and waste.
NFTTM’s Field Services division provides head space gas characterizations services and system in the field (Rapid Port) and on-site (Drum Venting Services).
Since the beginning of the movement to decommission, transport and store DOE’s Weapons-related waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico, NFT has been involved with finding solutions to the most difficult challenges each laboratory has been faced with.
NFT designed, engineered, manufactured and operated several types of Drum Venting Systems at DOE Weapons Complex sites across the nation to preventatively resolve any built up gas inside waste drums, allowing each drum to be safely characterized and vented before shipment. All systems are designed, built and operated specifically for each site’s needs.
- Mobile Drum Venting Systems in Hanford
- Drum Venting System for high throughput in Savannah River Site
- Rocky Flats
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Remote Drum Venting System in Idaho National Laboratory
- Rapid Port Drum Venting System for Nevada Test Site and the Army
- CVS Drum Venting System for Savannah River Site.
Power & Fuel Cycle Custom Fabrication
NFTTM specializes in custom fabrication and products that meet the strict requirements of the Commercial Nuclear Industry. Utilizing our mature NQA-1 quality program, NFT designs, engineers, machines, fabricates, and tests components and assemblies. NFT has a history of being a nuclear safety significant supplier supporting the fuel cycle, nuclear utilities, and transportation industries working with top-tier OEMs, subcontractors, enrichment facilities and testing labs.
The EPDTM business unit has decades of experience in large scale fabrication and manufacturing/maintenance of large Type B transportation containers and other specialty and commercial vessels, as well as fabrication of custom platforms and other unique design builds. EPD works with many DoE, commercial nuclear, oil & gas, and mining customers to design solutions that meet their unique requirements. EPD has a skilled labor force with a full range of equipment that allows us to manufacture and fabricate a variety of products. EPD’s facility capabilities include a wide variety of machining, welding, cutting, forming, and lifting/ handling equipment.